Uji Bridge

 ¿Qué ver en Uji bridge, Ise?

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The Uji Bridge is located in Ise, Japan and is a popular tourist attraction. The bridge is open daily from 9:00am to 5:00pm and admission is free. There is no official website for the Uji Bridge.

In the surrounding area, visitors can explore the Ise Grand Shrine, which is one of the most important Shinto shrines in Japan. The shrine is open from 5:00am to 6:00pm daily and admission is free.

Another popular attraction in the area is the Okage Yokocho, a traditional street lined with shops and restaurants that offer local food and souvenirs. Okage Yokocho is open from 9:00am to 5:00pm daily.

For those interested in nature, the Meoto Iwa, or "Wedded Rocks," are a unique geological formation located in the nearby town of Futami. The rocks are connected by a shimenawa, a sacred rope made of rice straw, and are considered a symbol of marriage. The Meoto Iwa are accessible 24 hours a day and admission is free.

(Pregúntas y respuestas para los que viajan a Uji bridge)
(Rutas realizadas por otros viajeros que pasan por Uji bridge)